What’s Next for Baby Yoda?
Updated: Apr 3, 2022
The second season of The Mandalorian was not short of adorable moments from the real main character: The Child, Baby Yoda, or Grogu, as we have come to learn. Whether he was eating an ice spider, Frog Lady’s eggs, or even blue cookies, our beloved Grogu was living his best life all while being hunted down by Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito).
Despite the delays and side missions, our main man Din Djarin, played by the incomparable Pedro Pascal, diligently continued his quest to return Grogu to the Jedi Order. Din thought he found this in Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka Tano, but she refused to train him. This was likely because of Anakin’s clinging to his emotions and turning to the dark side.
This meant Grogu had to reach out to the “few Jedi left” via the Force, before he was stolen by Gideon’s Dark Troopers. In the last episode, aptly named “The Rescue,” Din teamed up with Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) and his sidekick, Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen), and two non-devout Mandalorians, Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff) and Koska Reeves (Sasha Banks).
Together they took hold of Gideon’s Star Destroyer and rescued Grogu, who was luckily found unharmed. Then, in the most suspenseful sequence yet, an unidentified X-Wing landed and a hooded figure emerged. The unknown savior revealed a green lightsaber and black glove, which all but confirmed it was our boy, Luke Skywalker, who was the Jedi that answered Grogu’s call.
This left Din and Grogu to have a father and son moment akin to sending your firstborn off to kindergarten. Din removed his mask to give Grogu the permission he needed to leave with Luke. This was reminiscent of just before Vader’s death in Return of the Jedi, where he says “...let me look on you with my own eyes,” but thankfully we were saved from the same tragic ending.
Din then promises Grogu that he will see him again. But will he?
What we know
The Mandalorian season two finale teased The Book of Boba Fett to be released in December 2021. It was thought that this could be season three of The Mandalorian to account for the time where Grogu trains with Luke. That said, Director Jon Favreau recently confirmed that this is an entirely different series, and Mando 3 will follow The Book of Boba Fett with its premiere in spring 2022.
We also know that the Child is immensely popular, contrary to what was predicted before season one was released with the lack of merchandise available. We can take comfort knowing that because of this, it is highly unlikely the character will completely disappear without at least some sort of a reunion with Din.
What we don’t know
It is uncertain how much of the Child we will see in season three. Mark Hamil’s Luke, made possible by some CG anti-aging “magic” is difficult to produce, so scenes of them together will likely be limited.
So does this mean we will see a time jump? Flashing forward to after Grogu does his training and before Ben Solo’s training with Luke? Or, does Ben Solo’s transformation to Kylo Ren lead to Grogu’s end? There are just so many questions.
I can see see two possible storylines; one with Grogu’s training and another Din-centric storyline. The latter could go into Din’s backstory before becoming a Foundling and his early life as a Mandalorian. This could frame the entire season or be juxtaposed with his storyline with the Dark Saber, Bo-Katan, and restoring Mandalore. It would be quite poetic; Din figuring out the kind of man he wants to be within the strict lifestyle of Mandalorian culture and his unique upbringing. It would also complement Grogu figuring out the ways of the Jedi while still feeling an attachment to Din, if Favreau chooses that direction.
What we hope for
Obviously, our love for Grogu knows no bounds. So we want to see him just as much in season three as he was in season two. Yet, incorporating his story will be hard to do organically without seeming like it’s simply to appease fans. But if anyone can do it, Favreau can do it.
We have also developed a burning passion for Pascal, so more screen time without the full Beskar attire would be a HUGE plus. Just take the scene in Episode 15 where Din takes off the Storm Trooper helmet he borrowed to avoid showing his face because he has to pass the security check in order to secure coordinates to Gideon’s ship. He moves his head heavily, to show he’s used to carrying the weight of the helmet, and it’s so brilliant. Pascal could build on this to bring a new level of depth and emotion that we haven’t gotten to see from Din.
And then there is the R2-D2 tease. Remember how excited he was to see Grogu? Could R2 have been the one to save Grogu from the Jedi Temple as a fan predicted on Reddit? He has smuggled things before (aka Princess Leia’s message). Either way, these two side-kicks would unquestionably create some delightful scenes together.
Moving Forward
We don’t know exactly how much of Grogu we will see next season, as the story is still being written and spoilers are locked up tight. But rest assured, fans love Grogu to the two suns of Tatooine and back, so it’s unlikely that he will be leaving The Mandalorian any time soon.